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While Koehler may be a globally active company, it doesn’t focus exclusively on the big stuff. Its immediate surroundings also play an important role for the company. This is equally true when it comes to recruiting employees as it is with preserving the environment.
So it came as no surprise when theKoehler Paper Group’s environmental officer, Rolf Peter, actively supported the campaign day “A Half Day for the Environment”. Other Koehler employees also took part. The task of the day was to build bird nesting boxes that would serve as breeding grounds for cavity nesters – such as the great tit, blue tit, nuthatch, starling, redstar, black flycatcher and the two sparrow species – in the ecologically important and scenic orchard meadows of Kugeleck.
An invitation from the Advisory Board for Nature and Environmental Protection
The invitation to the event was not extended by Koehler, but by the Advisory Board for Nature and Environmental Protection of the town of Oberkirch, where Koehler has its headquarters. Under the guidance of advisory board members Franz Just and Rolf Peter, who prepared the campaign along with local environmental officer Georg Schäffner, around 40 citizens of all ages came along to get screwing and nailing.
“It’s great that parents and their children in particular make the time on weekends to take part in such activities,” says Peter. He himself regularly carries out activities like these with the help of Koehler trainees. He was also involved in Koehler’s sponsorship of the creek from the very beginning, and he continues to show great commitment to the initiative.
After a few unforeseen overtime hours, the hard-working helpers enjoyed a snack and a cool drink – and so their half day for the environment paid off for humans and cavity nesters alike.